Undoubtedly, creativity is central to graphic design. Like other artistic endeavors such as painting or writing, inspiration plays a significant role in this work. In the words of acclaimed designer Lou Dorfsman, creativity can be a lonesome and challenging pursuit that allows one to draw from their soul and bring forth unique ideas.

As designers, we often struggle with the process of finding inspiration. While studying our client’s expectations, target audience, and requirements is essential, we must also find inspiration to create the ideal solution. But where does one even begin to find inspiration?

Some people glean inspiration from unexpected sources such as glimpsing a butterfly or savoring a plate of colorful salad. Inspiration can be fleeting and elusive at times, making it difficult to access when needed most. So, how do you find inspiration to craft your graphic design projects? Here are a few ways that other artists and creatives find inspiration.

How to Find Creative Inspiration for Your Graphic Design Projects 

Taking Time Alone 

When you’re alone, your mind can freely wander and generate fresh and innovative ideas. As Goethe once said, “One can be instructed in society, one is inspired only in solitude.” Listen to music that stimulates your imagination, put your head down and focus on your work, and allow your thoughts to flow freely.

Morning Musings With a Cup of Coffee in Your Hand

When you wake up after a good night’s sleep, your mind is sharp and ready to be inspired. It’s been proven that caffeine can enhance intellectual abilities, so have a steaming cup of coffee or tea to start your day off right. 

Keep a notebook and pen beside your bed – you may wake up with a brilliant idea or come up with one in the middle of the night. 

Physical Activity

Any form of exercise can oxygenate your brain, reduce stress, and provide a sense of well-being, which can, in turn, foster creativity. Whether it’s running up and down the stairs at work, doing a few jumping jacks, or taking a stroll to the coffee shop around the corner, even a short burst of exercise can make a significant difference in awakening your creative energy.

Relaxation in Nature 

Walking among trees and flowers, watching leaves falling, or listening to birds singing can be a source of unexpected inspiration. Inspiration often comes when we least expect it. Being in nature puts us in a relaxed state, which can result in better creativity.

So, go for a hike or take a walk in the park during your lunch break to get those creative juices flowing.

Inspiration Board

Many designers and artists maintain a board in their workspace that’s adorned with inspiring items. You might keep a postcard, a matchbook cover, a paint chip or a feather – or magazine advertisements, printed-out web banners, and a web color wheel. Whatever catches your eye throughout the day – pin it up on your board. You never know how it might spark creativity later on.


Having fun and laughing is another fantastic way to unwind and relax. No one can be inspired while feeling agitated and anxious. Watch a funny video, share a joke with a friend, or create some random artsy projects – whatever brings a smile to your face and clears your head.

Other Graphic Designers’ Work

Researching other graphic designers’ work can provide a clear idea of what you want to create. However, the goal isn’t to copy what other designers have done but instead to draw inspiration from their style, colors, and type. A good graphic design website can be a great source of inspiration, as can exchanging thoughts with another graphic designer or reading a graphic design blog.

Final Thoughts

The quest for inspiration in graphic design can be an intriguing journey of personal discovery and creativity. Embrace solitude, harness the power of your morning musings, and use the physical energy from exercise to fuel your creative process. 

Seek inspiration from the natural world around you, curate an inspiration board, and remember to take time for fun and relaxation to keep your mind fresh. Lastly, appreciate the work of other designers, learning from their style and technique without directly copying their ideas. 

Remember, inspiration can be found everywhere, even in the most unlikely places. So, keep your creative senses alert and enjoy the process.